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संचालक, प्राचार्य व इतर शिक्षकीय रिक्त पदे नियमित स्वरूपात त्वरित भरण्याबाबत.Colleges and Parisanstha_040320253/4/2025
महाविद्यालयीन शिक्षकाच्या ७ व्या वेतन आयोगानुसार वरिष्ठ श्रेणी /स्टेज २  (AL ११) व निवड श्रेणी /स्टेज ३ (AL १२) स्थाननिश्चितीसाठी दि. २४ जून, २०२४ शासन पूरक पत्राबाबत.doc00390620250130115553_300120251/30/2025
Circular No. 05_2025 _ विद्यापीठ अनुदान आयोगास आपले अभिप्राय कळविण्याबाबत.UGC (विद्यापीठ अनुदान आयोगास) आपले अभिप्राय कळविण्याबाबत _compressed_070120251/7/2025
दि. ११ जुलै ,२००९ पूर्वी एम. फिल. अर्हता धारण केलेल्या अध्यापकांना नेट परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण होण्यापासून सूट देण्यासंदर्भातदि. ११ जुलै ,२००९ उत्तीर्ण होण्यापासून सूट देण्यासंदर्भात_2612202412/26/2024
Regarding Teacher workshopDO476D_409112024_11/9/2024
Exempting Teachers from NET who have completed M.Phil Degree before 11.07.2009 IMG_20241105_0002_0511202411/5/2024
Extension to the date for Ad-hoc Teacher proposals submission.Ad-hoc Teacher proposals submission_1610202410/16/2024
Extension to the date for Ad-hoc Teacher proposals submission.30092024132031_300920249/30/2024
Regarding Teacher workshop20240920193956_200920249/20/2024
Regarding Teacher profile update.20240910154918_100920249/10/2024
Extension to the proposals of Continuation approval.Circular No. 207-2024_02092029/2/2024
Criteria for qualifications of Teachers teaching in Hearing Impaired Under Graduate/Post Graduate courses. 174_06_08_20248/6/2024
Ad-hoc, CHB, Continuation Circular for academic year 2024-25202406112040536/11/2024
Circular no 86/2024 reg Revised norms for the teachers for B Sc Aviation course.Circular No 86-2024_240420244/24/2024
Circular no. 55/2024 : Regarding Statute 8.20240401220724_020420244/2/2024
Regarding information of the teachers for exemption from the NET examination to the teachers who qualify M.Phil.CCO-778_220220242/22/2024
circular no 11/2024 reg fresh selection committee structure of those colleges, Sanstha's are on state level as per GRCircular no 11-2024 for fresh rules _170120241/17/2024
Circular No 3-2024 reg submission of the proposals to remove the conditions of teachers approval.Circular No 3-2024 reg submission of the proposals to remove the conditions of teachers approval_040120231/4/2024
Circular No 322-2023 reg to add the name in the experts list of MPSC.Circular No 322-2023 reg to add the name in the experts list of MPSC_2712202312/27/2023
Circular no. 319/2023 : Regarding AICTE Approval Process Handbook for 2024-25 to 2026-27319261223_2612202312/26/2023
Regarding filling the vacant teaching post.4056_0512202312/5/2023
Extension of date for submission proposal for Teachers Approval appointed on CHB/Adhoc Basis Academic Year 2023-24.IMG_20231109_0001_0911202311/9/2023
Regarding New Teachers Election electoral list.Teachers Election_1210202310/12/2023
Existing teachers profile updations and delete non existing teachers profile.CCO3247_1010202310/10/2023
Teaching and Non Teaching staff Grievance Authorities.CCO3248_1010202310/10/2023
Re designation Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.Re-designation_260920239/26/2023
Extension date for submission of teachers approval proposals.extension of date_150920239/15/2023
Circular No 199/2023 Teacher's & Principal's Norms for B.Sc. (Cyber & Digital Science), B.Sc.(Fashion Design), M.Sc. (Computer Applications) & B.Sc. (Aviation) courses.Circular No 199-2023_090920239/9/2023
Circular no. 195/2023 : शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२२-२३ मधील प्रस्तावातील त्रुटी पुर्ततेबाबत.20230905134841_050920239/5/2023
Circular Regarding Filling Vacant Teaching Post.2787_040920239/4/2023
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